Top "Codemirror" questions

CodeMirror is an in-browser code editor, written in JavaScript.

How to set a value of CodeMirror editor by javascript?

How to set a value of CodeMirror editor by javascript command? I just need to set a text to it. …

javascript codemirror
Set size to CodeMirror editor?

I'm creating mobile app using jQuery Mobile and CodeMirror as a code editor. I'm not a designer so I don't …

css jquery-mobile codemirror sizing
How to highlight syntax in codeMirror

I am trying to use codemirror to my website a versatile text editor implemented in JavaScript for the browser. But …

javascript codemirror
CodeMirror auto Line-Break

I'm trying to make it so when you go over a certain amount of text and it reaches the max-width …

javascript html css codemirror
Does codemirror provide Cut, Copy and Paste API?

From, I only find getRange(), undo(), redo() etc, and I can't find cut(), copy() …

CodeMirror: How add tables to sql-hint?

I can't figure how add tables to codemirror. I have sql-hint.js included, and work for keywords but don't understand …

autocomplete codemirror
CodeMirror has content but won't display until keypress

I have a CodeMirror instance embedded in a webapp I'm building. It works great - except that the initial content …

php javascript jquery codemirror
CodeMirror onBlur event and console.log()

From what I've read about CodeMirror I should have onBlur written to my Console Log when I Blur the textarea. …

javascript jquery codemirror
CodeMirror (JS Code Highlight) text in textarea exceeds textarea width

I've been working with CodeMirror today to create a little environment where I can edit some PHP code that is …

css textarea overflow codemirror
Codemirror content not visible in bootstrap modal until it is clicked

I am using codemirror 3 with bootstrap. In my bootstrap modal, there is a textarea, and i am replacing it with …

twitter-bootstrap codemirror