Top "Cocoapods" questions

CocoaPods is the dependency manager for Cocoa projects.

How to import RxSwift in Playground of xcode?

I am trying to import rxswift in xcode playground by this: gem install cocoapods-playgrounds and after that pod playgrounds RxSwift …

swift xcode cocoapods rx-swift
106 duplicate symbols for architecture armv7

Working on my iPhone app and trying to build for debug and I get "106 duplicate symbols for architecture armv7"? I …

objective-c ios xcode armv7 cocoapods
GoogleDataTransport is throwing Double-quoted include in framework header expected angle-bracketed error on iOS14

I've just update XCode to Version 12 and I'm using Firebase. I've updated pods as well but when I build the …

swift cocoapods ios14
podspec specification does not validate

I'm trying to create a cocoa pod following this tutorial. I'm stuck at the moment where I'm doing the following …

ios cocoapods podspec
No such module 'OneSignal'

I'm trying to integrate OneSignal SDK in Xcode 7.2.1 with CocoaPods 1.0.0.beta.2 and use_frameworks! directive. When I try to import …

ios cocoapods onesignal
Define custom module map file in cocoapods Podspec

I made a custom module map file to handle the libxml import in a swift project. (non-modular include error) It's …

ios swift cocoapods podspec
Is it possible to exclude dependency in Cocoapods?

Firebase/Messaging have dependencies on: Using Firebase Using FirebaseAnalytics Using FirebaseCore Using FirebaseInstanceID Using FirebaseMessaging Using GoogleInterchangeUtilities Using GoogleSymbolUtilities Using …

ios firebase cocoapods firebase-cloud-messaging google-toolbox-for-mac
How to build a xcode 9 project with Swift 4.0 using Pods in Swift 3?

I want the main module of my iOS App to compile Swift 4.0 while the CocoaPods module compiles swift 3. PS: Using …

ios swift3 cocoapods xcode9-beta swift4
Where is "PFFacebookUtils.framework" on CocoaPods repo?

Does anyone know where to find the framework ParseFacebookUtils/PFFacebookUtils.h in the new version of the SDK in CocoaPods? …

parse-platform cocoapods parsefacebookutils
Cocoa pod: No such file or directory

I have already a projects in which cocoapod was working fine previously but somehow now when I am trying to …

ios swift cocoapods cocoapods-1.0.1