Top "Cluster-analysis" questions

Cluster analysis is the process of grouping "similar" objects into groups known as "clusters", along with the analysis of these results.

NA in clustering functions (kmeans, pam, clara). How to associate clusters to original data?

I need to cluster some data and I tried kmeans, pam, and clara with R. The problem is that my …

r cluster-analysis k-means na missing-data
Computing F-measure for clustering

Can anyone help me to calculate F-measure collectively ? I know how to calculate recall and precision, but don't know for …

cluster-analysis data-mining precision-recall
What is the difference between a Confusion Matrix and Contingency Table?

I'm writting a piece of code to evaluate my Clustering Algorithm and I find that every kind of evaluation method …

matrix cluster-analysis data-mining difference
How can i cluster document using k-means (Flann with python)?

I want to cluster documents based on similarity. I haved tried ssdeep (similarity hashing), very fast but i was told …

nlp cluster-analysis data-mining k-means text-mining
Fast (< n^2) clustering algorithm

I have 1 million 5-dimensional points that I need to group into k clusters with k << 1 million. In each …

algorithm machine-learning cluster-analysis data-mining k-means
How do I manually create a dendrogram (or "hclust") object ? (in R)

I have a dendrogram given to me as images. Since it is not very large, I can construct it "by …

r cluster-analysis dendrogram
How to add k-means predicted clusters in a column to a dataframe in Python

I have a question about kmeans clustering in python. So I did the analysis that way: from sklearn.cluster import …

python pandas scikit-learn cluster-analysis k-means
Identify clusters in SOM (Self Organizing Map)

Once I have collected and organized data in a SOM how do I identify clusters? (Items are aggregated and clustered …

cluster-analysis som
Agglomerative Clustering in Matlab

I have a simple 2-dimensional dataset that I wish to cluster in an agglomerative manner (not knowing the optimal number …

matlab cluster-analysis classification dendrogram
How to calculate clustering entropy? A working example or software code

I would like to calculate entropy of this example scheme Can …

c# math cluster-analysis hierarchical-clustering entropy