Top "Cloudflare" questions

Cloudflare is a content delivery network and distributed Domain Name Server service aimed at enhancing website performance and speed and providing security.

How can I get the user's IP while using both CloudFlare and MaxMind's GeoIP with mod_geoip?

CloudFlare provides the user's country from the originating IP but I need location on a city level so I've added …

apache .htaccess geolocation geoip cloudflare
Heroku + Cloudflare completely free SSL

Attempting to get completely free SSL on Heroku using Cloudflares new free Universal SSL Read this article:…

node.js ssl heroku express cloudflare
Caching JSON with Cloudflare

I am developing a backend system for my application on Google App Engine. My application and backend server communicating with …

WordPress + CloudFront Flexible SSL ends up in redirect loop (https)

Having problems accessing the admin over https when it's setup behind CloudFront Flexible SSL. The admin works fine when accessing …

wordpress ssl cloudflare
Cloudflare or Incapsula CDN without changing DNS

I'm looking for a low cost/free CDN that can serve my static files. (I will serve dynamic files from …

dns cdn cloudflare incapsula
CloudFlare 524 Error: But the page is working

I received 524 error in Google webmaster tool but the page is working fine. let me know why did cloudflare throw …

How would I detect all European countries with CloudFlare geolocation

I'm trying to detect whether a user is visiting my website from a European country or not. I'm using the …

php geolocation cloudflare ip-geolocation
Get Cloudflare's HTTP_CF_IPCOUNTRY header with javascript?

There are many SO questions how to get http headers with javascript, but for some reason they don't show up …

javascript cloudflare web-worker geoip
FireFox - None of the "sha256" hashes in the integrity attribute match the content of the subresource

We created a web site that uses resources from cdnjs. This site has been live for a couple of months …

firefox cdn cloudflare
Can I use AWS route 53 and Cloudflare at the same time?

Currently, I am using Route53 to manage my domains, subdomains etc. But I want to add DDoS protection to my …

amazon-web-services cloudflare amazon-route53 denial-of-service