Cloudflare or Incapsula CDN without changing DNS

trante picture trante · Aug 24, 2013 · Viewed 10.3k times · Source

I'm looking for a low cost/free CDN that can serve my static files. (I will serve dynamic files from my own server)

From the plans it seems like free plan includes CDN:
But after registartion Cloudflare wanted me to change my DNS records to their DNS servers.

Is it not possible to serve some files from their server without changing DNS records ?


xxdesmus picture xxdesmus · Aug 28, 2013

@David above isn't correct when he says "Not from CloudFlare". That isn't the case.

CloudFlare offers a CNAME pointing option whereby you can keep using your own DNS, and then pointing CNAME records through CloudFlare (not A records, but CNAME records). So you can use a CNAME setup like this without changing your DNS, and yet still route content through our service. Just to note, this CNAME setup option is available at the business level and above.

Disclaimer: I work for CloudFlare.