Get Cloudflare's HTTP_CF_IPCOUNTRY header with javascript?

Badr Hari picture Badr Hari · Sep 8, 2015 · Viewed 8.9k times · Source

There are many SO questions how to get http headers with javascript, but for some reason they don't show up HTTP_CF_IPCOUNTRY header.

If I try to do with php echo $_SERVER["HTTP_CF_IPCOUNTRY"];, it works, so CF is working just fine.

Is it possible to get this header with javascript?


Don Omondi picture Don Omondi · Jan 18, 2017

@Quentin's answer stands correct and holds true for any javascript client trying to access server header's.

However, since this question is specific to Cloudlfare and specific to getting the 2 letter country ISO normally in the HTTP_CF_IPCOUNTRY header, I believe I have a work-around that best befits the question asked.

Below is a code excerpt that I use on my frontend Ember App, sitting behind Cloudflare... and varnish... and fastboot...

function parseTrace(url){
    let trace = [];
            success: function(response){
                let lines = response.split('\n');
                let keyValue;

                    keyValue = line.split('=');
                    trace[keyValue[0]] = decodeURIComponent(keyValue[1] || '');

                    if(keyValue[0] === 'loc' && trace['loc'] !== 'XX'){

                    if(keyValue[0] === 'ip'){


                return trace;
            error: function(){
                return trace;

let cfTrace = parseTrace('/cdn-cgi/trace');

The performance is really really great, don't be afraid to call this function even before you call other APIs or functions. I have found it to be as quick or sometimes even quicker than retrieving static resources from Cloudflare's cache. You can run a profile on Pingdom to confirm this.