A closure is a first-class function that refers to (closes over) variables from the scope in which it was defined.
I have function like this: class Service { function delete_user($username) { ... $sessions = $this->config->sessions; $this->config-&…
php closures this anonymous-functionI am trying to understand, how exactly variable binding in python works. Let's look at this: def foo(x): def …
python closures nested-functionI'm writing a function to find triangle numbers and the natural way to write it is recursively: function triangle (x) …
optimization recursion lua closures memoizationI have this code: var items = this.llistat.getElementsByTagName('a'); for( var i = 0; i < items.length; i++ ){ items[i].…
javascript for-loop closures addeventlistenerI've run into an issue where my app lives in an iframe and it's being called from an external domain. …
javascript jquery internet-explorer-9 closures document-readyJavaScript is a lightweight and powerful language, but it's often misunderstood and hard to learn (especially about its object oriented …
javascript oop closuresThis is primarily a curiosity, I'm not really sure what's the practical use of this but here goes. Since blocks …
objective-c oop closures objective-c-blocks introspectionDelphi 2009, among some cool stuff, has also just got Anonymous methods. I've seen the examples, and the blog posts regarding …
delphi closures anonymous-methodsWhere X is any programming language (C#, Javascript, Lisp, Perl, Ruby, Scheme, etc) which supports some flavour of closures. Some …
python closures