How do I write a generic memoize function?

Jon Ericson picture Jon Ericson · Sep 24, 2008 · Viewed 8.5k times · Source

I'm writing a function to find triangle numbers and the natural way to write it is recursively:

function triangle (x)
   if x == 0 then return 0 end
   return x+triangle(x-1)

But attempting to calculate the first 100,000 triangle numbers fails with a stack overflow after a while. This is an ideal function to memoize, but I want a solution that will memoize any function I pass to it.


dreeves picture dreeves · Oct 6, 2008

Mathematica has a particularly slick way to do memoization, relying on the fact that hashes and function calls use the same syntax:

triangle[0] = 0;
triangle[x_] := triangle[x] = x + triangle[x-1]

That's it. It works because the rules for pattern-matching function calls are such that it always uses a more specific definition before a more general definition.

Of course, as has been pointed out, this example has a closed-form solution: triangle[x_] := x*(x+1)/2. Fibonacci numbers are the classic example of how adding memoization gives a drastic speedup:

fib[0] = 1;
fib[1] = 1;
fib[n_] := fib[n] = fib[n-1] + fib[n-2]

Although that too has a closed-form equivalent, albeit messier:

I disagree with the person who suggested this was inappropriate for memoization because you could "just use a loop". The point of memoization is that any repeat function calls are O(1) time. That's a lot better than O(n). In fact, you could even concoct a scenario where the memoized implementation has better performance than the closed-form implementation!