Top "Closest-points" questions

Nearest Neighbor Search: Python

I have a 2 dimensional array: MyArray = array([6588252.24, 1933573.3, 212.79, 0, 0], [6588253.79, 1933602.89, 212.66, 0, 0], etc...) The first two elements MyArray[0] and MyArray[1] are the X and Y …

python numpy nearest-neighbor kdtree closest-points
Closest Pair Implemetation Python

I am trying to implement the closest pair problem in Python using divide and conquer, everything seems to work fine …

python algorithm closest-points
Closest pair of points algorithm

I am trying to implement a simpler version of this algorithm but which works better than the quadratic algorithm. My …

java algorithm closest-points
Closest group of 3 points

Is there a known, efficient algorithm for finding the closest group of three points in a cloud? This is similar …

algorithm compression geometry closest-points
Divide and Conquer Closest Pair Algorithm

I'm trying to create an algorithm that returns the closest pair from randomly generated points. I have finished the algorithm, …

java algorithm optimization divide-and-conquer closest-points