Top "Cloneable" questions

How to properly override clone method?

I need to implement a deep clone in one of my objects which has no superclass. What is the best …

java clone cloning cloneable
How does Cloneable work in Java and how do I use it?

I would like to know the following: Cloneable means we can have a clone or a copy of objects, by …

java cloneable
Why should I implement ICloneable in c#?

Can you explain to me why I should inherit from ICloneable and implement the Clone() method? If I want to …

c# .net cloneable icloneable
The method clone() from object is not visible?

Question: package GoodQuestions; public class MyClass { MyClass() throws CloneNotSupportedException { try { throw new CloneNotSupportedException(); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static …

java methods clone cloneable
instanceof - incompatible conditional operand types

The following compiles fine: Object o = new Object(); System.out.println(o instanceof Cloneable); But this doesn't: String s = new …

java instanceof cloneable
Cloning an Integer

I am trying to clone a object of class Integer, which does implement the cloneable inteface. Integer a = new Integer(4); …

java cloneable
How do I copy or clone a LinkedList-implemented Queue in Java?

I have a Queue q1, that is implemented as a LinkedList, and I want to define a Queue q2, that …

java queue clone cloneable
Confusion about cloneable interface and object.clone() in java

If I have: class foo implements Cloneable and then do: bar = new foo(); bar.clone(); I get a shallow copy …

java cloneable
Why Object clone() method available only to classes that implement Cloneable interface?

I know that clone() is a protected method, but "protected" means that it is accessible for all subclasses of particular …

java object cloneable
What is the point in letting my class implement Cloneable?

I came across some class code that implements Clonable, the documentation states: A class implements the Cloneable interface to indicate …

java cloneable