Top "Cllocationmanager" questions

The CLLocationManager class defines the interface for configuring the delivery of location- and heading-related events to your application

CLLocationManager on iPhone Simulator fails with kCLErrorDomain Code=0

CLLocationManager on iPhone Simulator is supposed to fake Cupertino (isn't it?) but it does NOT, it fails with kCLErrorDomain Code=0 …

ios iphone cllocationmanager simulator cllocation
How to get current location's longitude and latitude in iOS 4.0/4.2?

I've problem to obtain current location Longitude and Latitude in iOS 4.0 also tried in iOS 4.2 actually i want to draw …

iphone objective-c ios4 ios-4.2 cllocationmanager
CLLocationManager authorization issue iOS 8

I am working on a piece of Swift code for iOS 8. I am trying to do something which involves location, …

ios swift core-location cllocationmanager
iOS Geofence CLCircularRegion monitoring. locationManager:didExitRegion does not seem to work as expected

I am currently trying to get my app to monitor particular regions using CoreLocation however I am finding that it …

ios core-location cllocationmanager geofencing clcircleregion
How to prompt user to turn on Location Services...again

I want to have the same functionality as the Map app, where user is prompted every time they press the …

iphone ios cllocationmanager
How to stop multiple times method calling of didUpdateLocations() in ios

This my code...... -(void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didUpdateLocations:(NSArray *)locations { location_updated = [locations lastObject]; NSLog(@"updated coordinate are %@",location_…

ios iphone cllocationmanager cllocation
why self.locationManager stopUpdatingLocation doesn't stop location update

Problem: It seems I can't stop Core Location from sending updates to my app / tracking. What am I doing: In …

ios mapkit core-location cllocationmanager
Xcode / iOS simulator: Trigger significant location change manually

Is there a way to manually tell the device to dispatch a significant location change notification that will wake up …

iphone ios core-location cllocationmanager
NSInternalInconsistencyException: 'Invalid parameter not satisfying: !stayUp || CLClientIsBackgroundable(internal->fClient)'

I'm trying to get my app working in Xcode 7 beta but I'm hitting this exception: NSInternalInconsistencyException: 'Invalid parameter not satisfying: !…

ios objective-c ios9 xcode7 cllocationmanager
Location Manager update frequency, iphone

I have a CLLocation manager called "myLocation". myLocation = [[CLLocationManager alloc] init]; myLocation.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyBestForNavigation ; myLocation.distanceFilter = 10 ; myLocation.delegate=self; locationEnabledBool = […

iphone cllocationmanager