Top "Cllocationmanager" questions

The CLLocationManager class defines the interface for configuring the delivery of location- and heading-related events to your application

Why the CLLocationManager delegate is not getting called in iPhone SDK 4.0?

This is the code that I have in my AppDelegate Class - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions { CLLocationManager *…

iphone core-location cllocationmanager cllocation
Location tracking stops after a while when app is in the background

I've created a simple app which tracks user location and creates local notification for every time location is updated. I …

ios swift core-location cllocationmanager
Reverse geocoding in Swift 4

I'm attempting to write a simple method that's fed CLLocationDegrees and returns a CLPlacemark. Looking at Apple's documentation, it seems …

ios swift cllocationmanager
iOS9 not tracking location while in background

My app tracks location while in background... the location background mode is enabled and i use [self.locationManager startUpdatingLocation]; This …

ios cocoa-touch gps cllocationmanager
didUpdateLocation Method Never Called

I am making one app on iphone sdk4.0.In that did update location method never called. I have given my …

iphone ios ios4 cllocationmanager cllocation
Swift LocationManager didChangeAuthorizationStatus Always Called

I have a view controller which implements the CLLocationManagerDelegate. I create a the CLLocationManager variable: let locationManager = CLLocationManager() Then in …

ios swift cllocationmanager
didUpdateLocations never called

I'm trying to get the user's location. To do so I have set the following property in the info.plist : …

ios swift cllocationmanager
How to handle "Don't Allow" for location manager?

I haven't think of this yet now . Till now whenever device was asking me use location update I was allowing …

iphone cllocationmanager didfailwitherror
Find closest longitude and latitude in array from user location - iOS Swift

In the question posted here, the user asked: I have an array full of longitudes and latitudes. I have two …

ios swift google-maps cllocationmanager cllocationdistance
Tracking multiple (20+) locations with iOS geofencing

An iOS application uses the geofencing for notifying the user about predefined nearby locations. The application is allowed to miss …

ios location cllocationmanager geofencing