Top "Cllocation" questions

A CLLocation object represents the location data generated by a CLLocationManager object.

How to find the distance between two locations using Apple maps in iOS 6?

My requirement is to find the distance in miles between two locations without using the Google API. I added code …

ios6 cllocation cllocationdistance
Having trouble calculating accurate total walking/running distance using CLLocationManager

I'm trying to build an iOS app that displays the total distance travelled when running or walking. I've read and …

objective-c ios core-location cllocationmanager cllocation
iOS: CLLocationManager's didEnterRegion not called

I have successfully managed to register a region or monitoring, I know this because the didStartMonitoringForRegion method was fired. I …

ios objective-c uialertview cllocationmanager cllocation
Can I get the accuracy of GPS location in iOS?

I've seen Android developers get the accuracy of a GPS location. Is there a way that I can get the …

iphone ios gps cllocationmanager cllocation