A CLLocation object represents the location data generated by a CLLocationManager object.
i don't understand this example from the doc : the timeIntervalSinceNow method should show a positive value, but how can we …
objective-c cllocation nstimeintervalCan somebody please help me convert the following Objective-C statement to Swift? CLLocationDistance distance = [fromLocation distanceFromLocation:toLocation]; I know that …
swift cllocation cllocationdistancehave an app that finds your GPS location successfully, but I need to be able to compare that GPS with …
iphone objective-c xcode cllocationDoes anyone know any knowledge of using this: - (void) startMonitoringForRegion:(CLRegion *)region desiredAccuracy:(CLLocationAccuracy)accuracy I am trying to …
iphone objective-c ios4 cllocationmanager cllocationi'm try to retreiving city name with cllocation and mkreversegeocoder. in my viewdidload method i istance cllocationmanager: self.locManager = [[CLLocationManager …
iphone cllocationmanager cllocation mkreversegeocoderI'm trying to save the coordinates of a user while in one ViewController so that it can be used to …
ios swift location cllocation nscodingHello i am using location in iOS app i set the accuracy like this: locationManager.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyHundredMeters and i am …
ios swift cllocationmanager cllocationHow can I convert CLLocation or CLLocationCoordinate2D to CGPoint. I have seen CGPoint point = [mapView convertCoordinate:myCoordinates toPointToView:self.…
iphone ios cllocation cgpointI apologise for the redundancy of this topic, but in spite all the given answers, I can't identify the possibility …
ios background cllocation terminateUPDATE: THIS IS NOT A DUPLICATE. I have already added the required key to the info.plist as stated in …
ios objective-c cllocationmanager cllocation