Top "Cllocation" questions

A CLLocation object represents the location data generated by a CLLocationManager object.

Show User Location in MapView

I'm writing an App with a mapView showing some Annotations. Now I want to show the User's current location in …

ios ios7 mkmapview cllocation
How can I compare CLLocationCoordinate2D

I need a way of comparing two CLLocationCoordinate2D's however when I tried using == it wouldn't work. Please can someone …

core-location cllocation equatable
Decoding the CLLocationAccuracy const's

the following are listed in CLLocation.h but from my experience they are deceiving names- possibly originally thought up to …

ios location core-location cllocation energy
Calculating bearing between two CLLocation points in Swift

I'm trying to calculate a bearing between two CLLocation points in swift-only code. I've run into some difficulty and was …

ios swift cllocation
How to store CLLocation using Core Data (iPhone)?

I'm trying to save a location and retrieve the location on a map afterward using Core Location, MapKit and Core …

iphone core-data save store cllocation
How to check if MKCoordinateRegion contains CLLocationCoordinate2D without using MKMapView?

I need to check if user location belongs to the MKCoordinateRegion. I was surprised not to find simple function for …

iphone ios cllocationmanager cllocation mkcoordinateregion
What do horizontalAccuracy and verticalAccuracy of a CLLocation refer to?

I've been working on a location based app recently and am noticing some strange values for CLLocation. I often get …

ios core-location cllocation horizontal-accuracy
CLGeocoder returning error : The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCLErrorDomain error 8.)

I am calling this function once I get the addressString: [[self geocoder] geocodeAddressString:addressString completionHandler:^(NSArray *placemarks, NSError *error) { if (…

ios objective-c geolocation cllocation clgeocoder
Convert GPS coordinates to a city name / address in Swift

I have a latitude/longitude location that I want to convert to the location name String in Swift. What is …

swift gps cllocation clgeocoder cllocationcoordinate2d
CLLocationManager and accuracy issues - any experiences?

So I am dealing with some accuracy issues with iPhone GPS. I have an app which uses location. In the …

ios cllocationmanager cllocation