In machine learning and statistics, classification is the problem of identifying which of a set of categories a new observation belongs to, on the basis of a training set of data containing observations whose category membership (label) is known.
Most examples of neural networks for classification tasks I've seen use the a softmax layer as output activation function. Normally, …
machine-learning neural-network classification softmax activation-functionI am working on a classification then object detection with Keras and Python. I have classified cats/dogs with 80%+ accuracy, …
python classification keras object-detectionI'm implementing the K-nearest neighbours classification algorithm in C# for a training and testing set of about 20,000 samples each, and 25 …
c# optimization classification knnLet's say you have access to an email account with the history of received emails from the last years (~10k …
machine-learning neural-network classification spam-preventionI have a binary classifier, which classifies an input X as class zero if its predicted value is below some …
matlab classification rocI hear from some sources that Generative adversarial networks are unsupervised ML, but i dont get it. Are Generative adversarial …
machine-learning neural-network classificationI need to be able to recognise date strings. It doesn't matter if I can not distinguish between month and …
java date classificationI am new to TensorFlow. I am doing a binary classification with my own dataset. However I do not know …
tensorflow classification convolutionI am new to Machine Learning and I am trying analyze the classification algorithm for a project of mine. I …
machine-learning scikit-learn classification gradient-descentI have a set of Books objects, classs Book is defined as following : Class Book{ String title; ArrayList<tags&…
java machine-learning nlp text-processing classification