Top "Classification" questions

In machine learning and statistics, classification is the problem of identifying which of a set of categories a new observation belongs to, on the basis of a training set of data containing observations whose category membership (label) is known.

Classifying Single Instance in Weka

I trained and created a J48 model using WEKA gui. I saved the model file to my computer and now …

machine-learning classification weka prediction decision-tree
Getting a low ROC AUC score but a high accuracy

Using a LogisticRegression class in scikit-learn on a version of the flight delay dataset. I use pandas to select some …

machine-learning scikit-learn classification logistic-regression auc
Agglomerative Clustering in Matlab

I have a simple 2-dimensional dataset that I wish to cluster in an agglomerative manner (not knowing the optimal number …

matlab cluster-analysis classification dendrogram
Loding a weka model to a java code

I have saved the result of weka classification by right clicking on the model and selecting "save model". Now, I …

java model machine-learning classification weka
Cost function in logistic regression gives NaN as a result

I am implementing logistic regression using batch gradient descent. There are two classes into which the input samples are to …

matlab machine-learning classification logistic-regression gradient-descent
HOG Feature Implementation with SVM in MATLAB

I would like to do classification based on HOG Features using SVM. I understand that HOG features is the combination …

matlab classification svm feature-extraction matlab-cvst
How to calculate TF*IDF for a single new document to be classified?

I am using document-term vectors to represent a collection of document. I use TF*IDF to calculate the term weight …

machine-learning classification information-retrieval text-mining document-classification
Getting a list of all known classes of vgg-16 in keras

I use the pre-trained VGG-16 model from Keras. My working source code so far is like this: from keras.applications.…

python keras deep-learning classification vgg-net
SVM Visualization in MATLAB

How do I visualize the SVM classification once I perform SVM training in Matlab? So far, I have only trained …

matlab classification svm libsvm pca
GBM R function: get variable importance separately for each class

I am using the gbm function in R (gbm package) to fit stochastic gradient boosting models for multiclass classification. I …

r machine-learning classification data-mining gbm