Top "Circleci" questions

CircleCI is a hosted continuous integration testing tool integrated with popular code management services such as GitHub.

agent key RSA SHA256: ... returned incorrect signature type

I'm trying to use CircleCI on a Go project on GitHub with the default template for Go projects. For reference, …

git go circleci circleci-2.0
CircleCi 2.0 working with project inside the subdirectory

I am trying to integrate my springboot tutorial project with CircleCi. My project is inside a subdirectory inside a Github …

circleci circleci-2.0
how to renew expired certificate with fastlane?

My iOS certificate is stored in GitHub and it is expired, the failure message in circleci progress is that ‘Your …

ios certificate circleci fastlane
How to push a commit to Github from a CircleCI build using a personal access token

When executing a build for git repository giantswarm/docs-content in CircleCI, I'd like to push a commit to another repository …

git github continuous-integration circleci cd
How do you cache Yarn Dependencies for a Docker image build in CircleCI?

My yarn installs take ~5 minutes right now. I'm trying to figure out a way to cut them down. Right now …

docker yarnpkg circleci
How to use a private repository in CircleCI?

I am a tester of plugins of Redmine. I want to test all plugins. In order to do so,I …

github ssh circleci
How to run Rubocop only on the changed files in a pull request?

I have created spec/lint/rubocop_spec.rb which runs Rubocop style checker on the files changed between current branch …

ruby-on-rails git continuous-deployment circleci rubocop
Selenium testing with CircleCI

Im using CircleCI and I want to run Huxley tests. But for that i need selenium server running. I was …

selenium circleci huxley
CircleCI with no tests

I want to use CircleCI just to push my docker image to Dockerhub when I merge with master. I am …

Circleci: How to deploy depending on git tag

Is there a way to restrict circleci deployment on checkings that have a specific git tag? Currently I am using …

git circleci git-tag