Top "Circleci" questions

CircleCI is a hosted continuous integration testing tool integrated with popular code management services such as GitHub.

Could not find in circle ci

I update the gradle plugin to the latest : and this error occured : export TERM="…

android android-studio gradle build circleci
Gradle error : Could not find

I'm trying to build my android project using gradle and circleCI, but I've got this error : * What went wrong: A …

android gradle circleci
Is it possible to install npm package only if it has not been already installed?

Is it possible to install npm package only if it has not been already installed? I need this to speed …

node.js bash npm circleci
yaml: did not find expected key

Error parsing config file: yaml: line 22: did not find expected key Cannot find a job named build to run in …

yaml circleci circleci-2.0 circleci-workflows
CircleCI permission denied running bash script

I have a circle.yml file like so: dependencies: override: - meteor || curl | /bin/sh deployment: …

bash circleci
How do I find the Go module source cache?

I've upgraded a project to Go 1.11 and enabled module support for my project, but it seems that CircleCI is re-downloading …

go circleci go-modules
`moduleNameMapper` settings in jest.config.js doesn't work on CircleCI

I have tested with my React-app in typescript, using ts-jest like below. import * as React from "react"; import * as renderer …

javascript reactjs typescript jestjs circleci
Keep getting permissions error gcloud.container.clusters.get-credentials

I am trying to integrate CircleCi with gcloud Kubernetes engine. I created a service account with Kubernetes Engine Developer and …

kubernetes gcloud circleci google-kubernetes-engine
Authentication plugin 'caching_sha2_password' cannot be loaded in circleci/mysql

I've recently encountered problems when testing code in CircleCi 2. Parts of our config.yml: jobs: build: environment: docker: ... - image: …

mysql circleci circleci-2.0 mysql-8.0
StorageException: Anonymous caller does not have storage.objects.get access

When trying to run the below code on CircleCI fun getJsonFromCloudStorage(): ByteArrayInputStream { val blobId = BlobId.of("my-company", "creds/my-company-creds.json") …

google-cloud-platform circleci circleci-2.0