Selenium testing with CircleCI

Michael Czolko picture Michael Czolko · Feb 25, 2014 · Viewed 7.9k times · Source

Im using CircleCI and I want to run Huxley tests.

But for that i need selenium server running.

I was trying to run selenium server standalone jar. Thats not solution.

Please help if you know something.


Daniel Woelfel picture Daniel Woelfel · Feb 26, 2014

Most browser-testing frameworks will include Selenium for you. If you need to run a standalone Selenium server, you can add the following to a circle.yml in your repo's root directory:

      - wget
      - java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.44.0.jar:
            background: true

That will download the latest standalone Selenium jar and run it in the background. Note the colon at the end of the second command and the 4 space indentation of "background: true". That tells YAML to treat background as a modifier to the command.

More documentation here:

NOTE: if you update the link to JAR in this answer, please, make sure that it is HTTPS. It's generally considered dangerous to download something over unsafe HTTP and just run it without checking the checksumms, because of possibility of man-in-the-middle attack resulting in the JAR replacement/tampering.