Top "Chunking" questions

1. In memory management, chunking refers to strategies for improving performance by aggregating related memory-allocation requests.

Transferring large payloads of data (Serialized Objects) using wsHttp in WCF with message security

I have a case where I need to transfer large amounts of serialized object graphs (via NetDataContractSerializer) using WCF using …

wcf large-data-volumes wshttpbinding chunking netdatacontractserializer
What is HTML5 File.slice method actually doing?

I'm working with a custom API to allow a user to upload a file (of, hopefully, arbitrary size). If the …

javascript html algorithm file-upload chunking
What is a chunker in Natural Language Processing?

Does anyone know what is a chunker in the context of text processing and what is it's usage?

nlp chunking
Large File uploading to MVC

I need a way to upload large files (600 mb to 4 gb) in an mvc website. Currently I am … swfupload chunking neatupload
Splitting a File into Chunks with Javascript

I'm trying to take a single file object and split it into chunks by a specified chunk size. In my …

javascript file chunking
download file client-side chunk by chunk

I'm using WebRTC to send a file to a connected peer, and I'm sending the file in chunks. However, I'm …

html blob webrtc fileapi chunking
Can I turn off create-react-app chunking mechanism?

I am setting up my React app project using create-react-app. I was wondering if there is a way to turn-off …

javascript reactjs create-react-app chunks chunking
WCF Chunking / Streaming

I'm using WCF and want to upload a large file from the client to the server. I have investigated and …

wcf streaming uploading chunking
How to handle file upload chunks on the server (Plupload/Spring MVC)?

On our client, it is possible to be uploading large files. We want to use chunking to reduce the size …

java spring file-upload plupload chunking
Convert a Lazy ByteString to a strict ByteString

I have a function that takes a lazy ByteString, that I wish to have return lists of strict ByteStrings (the …

haskell lazy-evaluation strict bytestring chunking