WCF Chunking / Streaming

Mark Robinson picture Mark Robinson · Nov 27, 2008 · Viewed 10.7k times · Source

I'm using WCF and want to upload a large file from the client to the server. I have investigated and decided to follow the chunking approach outlined at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa717050.aspx

However, this approach (just like streaming) restricts the contract to limited method signitures:

void UploadStream(Stream stream);

The sample uses the rather convenient example of uploading a file from a fixed path and saving it to a fixed path on the server. Therefore, my question is how do I pass additional parameters to specify things like filename, filepath etc.

eg. I would like something like:

void UploadStream(Stream stream, String filePath);

Thanks in advance, Mark.


Greg Smalter picture Greg Smalter · Dec 18, 2008

This article explains how to use the MessageHeader attribute to force things to be passed in the header, and therefore not count as a parameter. So, instead of passing a stream and other meta data, create a class that has the attribute MessageContract and mark all of the meta data as a MessageHeader. Then, mark the stream as a MessageBodyMember (which the article incorrect calls "MessageBody"). Have your UploadStream method take a single parameter whose type is that of the MessageContract class you've just created. I've done this successfully, but I haven't done it in tandem with chunking. Good luck.