Top "Chef-infra" questions

Chef Infra (formerly just Chef) is a DevOps tool for scripting server configurations in Ruby (called cookbooks).

Knife SSH attribute not working

Im confused by the knife ssh command. According to the docs you can pass the -a flag if your node …

ssh chef-infra knife
How can I edit a chef attribute of an ec2 node using knife

I want to edit ec2 node's node_data using a knife node command. I can manually do it by using …

amazon-web-services amazon-ec2 chef-infra knife
Can't install chef, gem version conflict with net-ssh net-ssh-multi net-ssh-gateway

Using rvm, and an empty gemset, I get this: $ gem install chef --no-ri --no-rdoc ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::DependencyError) …

rubygems chef-infra net-ssh
Advantages of a deployment tool such as Ansible over shell

Currently I have all of my deployment scripts in shell, which installs about 10 programs and configures them. The way I …

linux shell deployment chef-infra ansible
to_specs': Could not find chef (>= 0) amongst [] (Gem::LoadError)

I am trying to install chef and knife ec2 plugin on my laptop to set up the workstation. Initially I …

ruby ubuntu rubygems chef-infra
How to pass environment variables to test kitchen in .kitchen.yml

I am trying develop a cookbook to make a flask app work with gunicorn and nginx. I have been successful …

flask chef-infra gunicorn cookbook test-kitchen
What exactly does "berks update <cookbook-name>" do?

According to "berks help update", the command is supposed to: "Update the cookbooks (and dependencies) specified in the Berksfile" (Yes ... …

chef-infra berkshelf berksfile
Use knife to create a new recipe in a cookbook

I've used knife solo to create a new folder and a cookbook with a default recipe using a custom template …

chef-infra knife
Adding role to node does not work

I am following exact syntax but seeing some strange behavior while adding role to one of my nodes I am …

chef-infra chef-recipe knife
How to tell if Chef client is installed on Linux?

I need a programmatic way (any way) to tell if Chef client is installed on Linux. The only way I …

linux process chef-infra knife