Top "Cookbook" questions

A cookbook is the fundamental unit of configuration and policy distribution in Chef.

how to require my library in chef ruby_block

I'm developing a cookbook to deploy a simple ROR application. I write an app_helper.rb and put it into …

chef-infra cookbook
Resolving and downloading chef cookbook dependencies

Let's say I want to use a community cookbook (i.e. So I will …

chef-infra knife cookbook
Chef Ruby loop over attributes in an .erb template file

So this might be a little confusing but bear with me. In short I want to loop over all attributes …

ruby elasticsearch chef-infra cookbook chef-template
Cookbook not found : Chef Solo

I downloaded the cookbook "oc-java-master" from the Chef community and now I am trying to run it using chef-solo which …

chef-infra cookbook
How to query cookbook versions on a node?

Usage case: The DevOps team launched a node sometime ago, and my team would like to know what's the version(…

chef-infra chef-recipe knife cookbook
what is the best way to run chef-client in specific intervals

Currently I am using open source chef and having number of nodes chef client is installed. I want the chef …

chef-infra cookbook
Installing multiple packages via Vagrant + Chef

I've just discovered Vagrant + Chef and I'm trying to create a simple recipe to install multiple packages on the node. …

chef-infra cookbook vagrant
Chef cookbook version delete, or update specific version

I have long history of a cookbook that has a recipe of the app and is constantly modified. It got …

version chef-infra knife cookbook
chef cookbook fails on ohai undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass

I'm working on a chef cookbook to set up a vanilla ubuntu 12.04.2 with nginx postgresql and unicorn on my vagrant …

nginx chef-infra cookbook ohai-gem
How to use library module in Cookbook recipes

In a cookbook I have a library(client_helper.rb). A module is defined inside it. Module name is Client_…

chef-infra chef-recipe chef-solo cookbook lwrp