Top "Berkshelf" questions

Manage a Cookbook or an Application's Cookbook dependencies

Why can't chef resolve my cookbooks?

Intro I am learning Chef to automate the server management at work. I downloaded chefdk 3.0 from here and now I …

chef-infra chef-recipe berkshelf
Vagrant: Network type 'bridged' is invalid. Please use a valid network type

Can anyone explain why I am getting the following error "Vagrant: Network type 'bridged' is invalid. Please use a valid …

virtualbox vagrant berkshelf
Chef 'cookbook' in Berksfile vs 'depends' in metadata.rb

What's the difference between adding cookbooks to Berksfile using 'cookbook' and adding cookbooks to metadata.rb using 'depends'? For example, …

chef-infra berkshelf berksfile
How to use hand-written cookbooks when using berkshelf in chef?

I'm using vagrant+chef. My chef cookbooks worked perfectly. Then I installed vagrant-berkshelf plugin and from that moment I could …

chef-infra vagrant berkshelf
chef-client cannot find cookbooks using berkshelf

I'm new to chef and ran into problems with berkshelf and chef-client. I want to have my own cookbook with …

chef-infra berkshelf
What exactly does "berks update <cookbook-name>" do?

According to "berks help update", the command is supposed to: "Update the cookbooks (and dependencies) specified in the Berksfile" (Yes ... …

chef-infra berkshelf berksfile