Top "Characteristics" questions

definition of static arrays

I've been looking for a decent definition of static arrays. I've tried using msdn and c# sources but cannot seem …

c# arrays static definition characteristics
HM10 ble change characteristic value AT command Arduino

Can anyone help me with the AT command to write characteristic value, Or how to send data from arduino to …

arduino bluetooth-lowenergy at-command characteristics hm-10
Cannot read characteristic. Android BLE

I'd like to read the data from a specific characteristic of my remote BLE device to my Android tablet Nexus 7. …

android bluetooth-lowenergy android-bluetooth android-4.3-jelly-bean characteristics
What is the length limit for BLE characteristics?

I am reading the Bluetooth Core Spec. v 4.2 document, but I can't find any information about the characteristic length limit. …

bluetooth-lowenergy characteristics
How to get data out of bluetooth characteristic in Swift

I've got a Polar h7 device around me right now (it's BTLE) and I've got everything working but I am …

ios bluetooth swift characteristics btle
Read characteristic value using Android BLE

I am relatively new to BLE, android development and java. I am trying to send 20 pieces of data from a …

android bluetooth bluetooth-lowenergy characteristics