Top "Btle" questions

BTLE is short for Bluetooth low energy, Bluetooth LE, or BLE, marketed as Bluetooth Smart, which is a wireless personal area network technology designed and marketed by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group aimed at novel applications in the healthcare, fitness, security, and home entertainment industries.

How to get Mac Address From CBPeripheral And CBCenter

I need to take target mac address from input connection and outgoing connection from CBPeripheral And CBCenter. identifier dose not …

ios core-bluetooth btle
GATT profile and UART service

I am new to developing a mobile app with bluetooth connection to peripheral device. I searched that GATT is the …

bluetooth bluetooth-lowenergy uart gatt btle
How to get data out of bluetooth characteristic in Swift

I've got a Polar h7 device around me right now (it's BTLE) and I've got everything working but I am …

ios bluetooth swift characteristics btle