Top "Char" questions

char typically refers to a character data-type, representing letters of text.

Read text file into char Array. C++ ifstream

Im trying to read the whole file.txt into a char array. But having some issues, suggestions please =] ifstream infile; …

c++ arrays char ifstream
Multiply char by integer (c++)

Is it possible to multiply a char by an int? For example, I am trying to make a graph, with *…

c++ string char multiplication
How to reverse String.fromCharCode?

String.fromCharCode(72) gives H. How to get number 72 from char H?

javascript char reverse
How can I check if the char array has an empty cell so I can print 0 in it?

Code: public void placeO(int xpos, int ypos) { for(int i=0; i<3;i++) for(int j = 0;j<3;j++) { // …

java loops char compare charat
getline() skipping first even after clear()

So I have a function that keeps skipping over the first getline and straight to the second one. I tried …

c++ arrays char buffer getline
Cannot convert 'const char*' to 'WCHAR*' in argument passing

I have documentation where written that username, IP and password must be const char* and when I'm putting varaibles in …

c++ char wchar
Convert BSTR to char*

Anyone know how to convert BSTR to char* ? Update: I tried to do this, but don't know if it is …

c++ visual-c++ char bstr
Why does this work? Using cin to read to a char array smaller than given input

I'm reading C++ Primer Plus (6th Edition) and I've come across some sample code in chapter 4 which I have a …

c++ arrays char cin
Convert a single character to lowercase in C++ - tolower is returning an integer

I'm trying to convert a string to lowercase, and am treating it as a char* and iterating through each index. …

c++ string char lowercase tolower
Efficiently repeat a character/string n times in Scala

I would like to do the following more efficiently: def repeatChar(char:Char, n: Int) = List.fill(n)(char).mkString …

string scala char concatenation string-concatenation