char typically refers to a character data-type, representing letters of text.
How to create an external character array in C? I have tried various ways to define char cmdval[128] but it …
c char externPossible Duplicate: Need help with getline() getline() is not working, if I use it after some inputs, i.e. #include&…
c++ char getlineThis Java code is giving me trouble: String word = <Uses an input> int y = 3; char z; do { z = …
java string char indexof truncationUsing GDB, I find I get a segmentation fault when I attempt this operation: strcat(string,¤tChar); Given that …
c string char concatenation strcatI am trying to update a text field in a table of my postgresql database. UPDATE public.table SET long_…
postgresql char sql-updateIm trying to load a BMP file AUX_RGBImageRec *LoadBMP(char *Filename) // Loads A Bitmap Image { FILE *File=NULL; // File …
c++ visual-c++ opengl char bmpFor a program I'm writing based on specifications, a variable is passed in to a function as a string. I …
c++ string char string-conversionI transfer message trough a CAN protocol. To do so, the CAN message needs data of uint8_t type. So …
c++ char data-conversion uint8tchar *recvmsg(){ char buffer[1024]; return buffer; } int main(){ char *reply = recvmsg(); ..... } I get a warning: warning C4172: returning address of …
c++ char return-type