Top "Changeset" questions

A changeset is a set of changes between revisions of files under revision control, which should be treated as an indivisible group (i.e., an atomic package).

How to retrieve the hash for the current commit in Git?

I would like to retain (for now) the ability to link Git changesets to workitems stored in TFS. I already …

git tfs tfs-workitem changeset
Liquibase checksum validation error without any changes

Maven fires liquibase validation fail even no changes was made in changeset. My database is oracle. Situation: In DB changelog …

maven liquibase changeset
Mercurial - all files that changed in a changeset?

How can you determine all the files that changed in a given changeset? I'm not looking for a diff in …

mercurial diff changeset
TFS: Labels vs Changesets

I am trying to come up with best practices regarding use of TFS source control. Right now, anytime we do …

tfs label changeset
Define Changeset for insert query in liquibase

I have two table as following : CREATE TABLE StudentMaster ( sId SERIAL, StudentName VARCHAR(50) ); CREATE TABLE StudentClassMap ( studnetId BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT …

mysql sql liquibase changeset insert-query
With Mercurial, how can I "compress" a series of changesets into one before pushing?

Let's say I have a local and a remote Mercurial repository. Now, I start working on a feature. I work …

mercurial push compression changeset
How can I query work items and their linked changesets in TFS?

In TFS 2010 I have work items with linked changesets. I can generate a query that reports the work items I'm …

hyperlink tfs-workitem changeset
Rollback entire solution/project to specific changeset in TFS?

I am at changeset 121. I want to rollback down to version 112, ignoring all the changes I've made since then. I …

visual-studio-2012 tfs rollback changeset checkin
How can I open a single changeset in TFS from within Visual Studio

Someone emailed me a TFS changeset ID and now I am trying to open this single changeset. Is there an …

tfs changeset
Update type of a column in liquibase

I want to update the type of a column named "password". At the moment it has type NVARCHAR(40) and I …

liquibase changeset