Maven fires liquibase validation fail even no changes was made in changeset.
My database is oracle.
In DB changelog table was record for changeset <changeSet id="1" author="me" dbms="oracle">
Then by mistake i added another changeset <changeSet id="1" author="me" dbms="hsqldb">
Reruned liquibase scripts Maven fired checksum validation error.
Then i changed hsqldb changeSet to <changeSet id="2" author="me" dbms="hsqldb">
Maven still firing checksum validation error.
Then i changed first changeSet checksum in DB manually to current checkSum and scripts runned successfully.
Everything looks nice ,but when i redeploy whole application and run liquibase scripts checksum of first changeSet is still like before 6 step.
If you're confident that your scripts correctly reflect what should be in the database, run the liquibase:clearCheckSums maven goal, which will clean it all up.