Top "Changelog" questions

A changelog is a log or record of changes made to a project.

Good ways to manage a changelog using git?

I've been using Git for a while now, and I recently started using it to tag my releases so that …

git github changelog
What's new in Hibernate 4?

I just saw that a beta of Hibernate 4 was released. What's new in 4 compared to 3(.6)? I couldn't find this info …

java hibernate changelog
How to include git changelog in Jenkins emails?

Is there any way to import the changelog that is generated by Jenkins to the subject of an email (either …

git email hudson jenkins changelog
Updating my google play "What's new" section

I am about to release an update for my companies android app. The previous guy who wrote the app has …

android changelog
Git changelog: how to get all changes up to a specific tag?

Is there an easy way or command to get all git commits up to a specific tag to generate an …

git logging changelog
Git and changelog guideline

I'm a noob with git and i would like to know the best practice to create tags and generate/mantain …

git markdown bitbucket changelog
PostgreSQL how to find any changes in the last n-minutes

I am writing a program that syncs PostgreSQL and MS SQL server databases (and adds some changes in this transition). …

postgresql logging changelog

I am looking to parse INSERT and UPDATE MySQL SQL queries in PHP to determine what changes where made from …

php mysql changelog
How to set up "Git Changelog" in Jenkins? First, I only see what's in my screenshot, can't find the "…

git jenkins changelog
svn help to get all history

Summary: I want to know that how can I get all the change log from svn. I know about SVN …

svn changelog