What's new in Hibernate 4?

Bart van Heukelom picture Bart van Heukelom · Jul 26, 2011 · Viewed 82.2k times · Source

I just saw that a beta of Hibernate 4 was released. What's new in 4 compared to 3(.6)? I couldn't find this info in the beta announcement, nor when Googling the title of this question.


Strong Liu picture Strong Liu · Nov 13, 2011

I can't paste the answers here because I don't have enough reputation points to add more than two links in the answer (I really need spend more time on this site) :(

So, I wrote a blog post. Please go there and find the answers. Sorry for the inconvenience.

EDIT: Quoted from http://in.relation.to/Bloggers/WhatsNewInHibernateCore40.

What's new in Hibernate Core 4.0

I saw someone is asking "what new in Hibernate Core 4.0", so I take sometime and try to summary it here. first of all, please see:

  • The migration guide for 4.0
  • JIRA filter link which lists all *improvements- and new features in Hibernate Core 4.0.0, you can get all details from this link :)

Some highlights:

  • Move to gradle for builds
  • Redesign SessionFactory building
  • Introduction of services (see this for more details)
  • Improved metamodel (not in 4.0.0.Final yet, we planned this, but due to the tasks are more than we expected, and it would take too long to get 4.0 out, so we decided to move this out of 4.0.0.Final but will be upcoming release soon see this for more details, and this is a design document)
  • Initial osgi-fication by package splitting (public, internal, spi)
  • Support for multi-tenant databases (see this for more details)
  • Migration to i18n logging framework (using jboss logging)
  • JDK 1.6 (JDBC4) as baseline
  • and more (I can't remember all the things :)