Top "Change-password" questions

This tag refers to the process of setting a new password on a system, thereby making the old password obsolete and no longer usable.

How do I update the password for Git?

I'm using BitBucket with Xcode and Git for version control, and recently I changed all of my passwords (thanks Adobe!). …

macos git change-password
How do I turn off the mysql password validation?

It seems that I may have inadvertently loaded the password validation plugin in MySQL 5.7. This plugin seems to force all …

mysql validation global-variables mysql-5.7 change-password
Git credential helper - update password

I'm currently using GitHub over HTTPS and have the latest version of Git installed (1.9.0) along with the Git credential helper …

git github windows-7-x64 change-password git-credential-winstore
LDAP to change user password

As I know, in PHP, we need to connect LDAP over SSL in order to change user password. Is there …

ldap change-password
Can't reset root password with --skip-grant-tables on ubuntu 16

I am trying to reset the root password following MysqlPasswordReset but when I try to start the server with --skip-grant-tables …

mysql ubuntu ubuntu-16.04 root change-password
Implementing forgot password functionality in Java

I am currently implementing a forgot password function in a Java project. my methodology is, User clicks the forgot password …

java password-recovery forgot-password change-password membership change password without knowing old one

Evaluting the method signature, it is required to know old password while changing it. membershipUser.ChangePassword(userWrapper.OldPassword, userWrapper.Password) … forgot-password change-password
Changed password in phpMyAdmin on a Mac using XAMPP, now unable to access localhost/phpmyadmin

I've read all the posts I could find about this, and none helped. I've deleted the XAMPP folder from my …

macos passwords phpmyadmin xampp change-password
PHPMyAdmin doesn't connect after root password change

I installed Xampp (for Windows). I was happily using it with its all features. Then I wanted to change MySql …

mysql configuration phpmyadmin xampp change-password