Top "Cgimage" questions

CGImage represents a drawable image object in Core Graphics (the low-level procedural drawing API for iOS and Mac OS X).

Losing image orientation while converting an image to CGImage

I'm facing an image orientation issue when cropping a square portion of an image out of a rectangular original image. …

ios swift uiimage cgimage
How exactly to make a CGImageRef from an image on disk

I've looked around everywhere to no avail. I'm doing some image loading in a thread and since UIKit is not …

iphone jpeg quartz-graphics gif cgimage
How do I create a CGImage with RGB data?

Can anyone show me a clear example of how to use CGImageRef CGImageCreate ( size_t width, size_t height, size_…

ios objective-c cocoa cgimage
Square thumbnail from UIImagePickerViewController image

In my app the user selects an image or take a picture using UIImagePickerViewController. Once the image was selected I …

iphone ios objective-c thumbnails cgimage
iPhone: Changing CGImageAlphaInfo of CGImage

I have a PNG image that has an unsupported bitmap graphics context pixel format. Whenever I attempt to resize the …

iphone png alpha cgimage cgbitmapcontextcreate
CGImage/UIImage lazily loading on UI thread causes stutter

My program displays a horizontal scrolling surface tiled with UIImageViews from left to right. Code runs on the UI thread …

iphone uiimage lazy-loading exc-bad-access cgimage
takepicture() vs UIGetScreenImage()

I'm trying to build a QRCodeReader for a project our research group is working on for the iPhone. After much …

iphone uiimagepickercontroller cgimage
Swift accessing EXIF Dictionary

Info: Using Swift and the CGImageSourceCreateWithURL function. I am attempting to load a file from a URL and then edit …

ios image swift exif cgimage
Converting UIImage to CGImage cause rotation of Image

I am trying to crop image by my custom cropper. Not from the UIImagePickerController's. Now for that I am showing …

iphone uiimage cgimage cgimageref
CGImage from byte array

Loading a CGImage or NSImage from a file using a standard image format (jpeg, gif, png et.) is all very …

cocoa cgimage freetype