Top "Cashapelayer" questions

CAShapeLayer is a special purpose CALayer subclass for drawing animatable shapes using cubic Bezier splines.

Animate a CAShapeLayer to draw a progress circle

I am trying to draw a circle that will be used to indicate progress. The progress updates might come in …

ios objective-c core-animation uibezierpath cashapelayer
How to add a circular mask to a UIImageview and change the frame and centers while doing so?

I would like to add a circular mask to UIImageVIew. Here is the function that am using to add the …

ios uiimageview calayer uiviewanimation cashapelayer
Frame and Bounds of CAShapeLayer

I am working on CAShapeLayer.And trying to draw non-linear path.I want to set frame to CAShapeLayer.So i …

ios cgpath cashapelayer
Animating CAShapeLayer size change

I am drawing a circle, with an initial radius of 200 = [CAShapeLayer layer]; = nil;…

objective-c ios cabasicanimation cashapelayer
How to add label or text in to CAShapeLayer

Here is my class and it'll draw a circle, it looks like this: class OvalLayer: CAShapeLayer { let animationDuration: CFTimeInterval = 0.3 override …

ios swift calayer core-text cashapelayer
Swift draw shadow to a uibezier path

I have a strange question. Even though I did read a lot of tutorials on how to do this, the …

swift shadow uibezierpath cashapelayer
start and end angle of UIBezierPath?

I have coded as below for half circle in iOS using UIBezierPath and CAShapeLayer. clockWiseLayer = [[CAShapeLayer alloc] init]; CGFloat startAngle = …

ios angle uibezierpath cashapelayer
Applying a CAShapeLayer mask to a UIView

I am using this code to apply a layer to a UIview: mask = [[CAShapeLayer alloc] init]; mask.frame = baseView.layer.…

iphone ios cocoa-touch uiview cashapelayer
Animate CAShapeLayer path on animated bounds change

I have a CAShapeLayer (which is the layer of a UIView subclass) whose path should update whenever the view's bounds …

ios animation core-animation cashapelayer
How to draw a circle path with color gradient stroke

I want to draw a circle with color gradient stroke like the following picture, on both iOS and macOS: Is …

ios swift macos cashapelayer nsbezierpath