Top "Nsbezierpath" questions

NSBezierPath is a class responsible for constructing and drawing paths in Cocoa.

How can i convert NSBezierPath to CGPath

How can i convert between NSBezierPath to CGPath. Thanks.

cocoa cgpath nsbezierpath
How to import/parse SVG into UIBezierpaths, NSBezierpaths, CGPaths?

I am trying to import paths from a vector drawing program into the ios environment. I would like to get …

iphone svg cgpath nsbezierpath
Rounded rect on NSView that clips all containing subviews

I am creating a NSView subclass that has rounded corners. This view is meant to be a container and other …

cocoa nsview rounded-corners clipping nsbezierpath
How to draw a circle path with color gradient stroke

I want to draw a circle with color gradient stroke like the following picture, on both iOS and macOS: Is …

ios swift macos cashapelayer nsbezierpath
Custom NSView with rounded corners and drop shadow

I'm trying to create a custom NSView with both rounded corners and a drop shadow. I created an NSView subclass …

objective-c cocoa nsview nsbezierpath nsshadow
IOS : Animate transformation from a line to a bezier curve

I would like to animate a straight line curving into a bezier curve (from "_" to "n"), is there a library …

ios core-graphics bezier uibezierpath nsbezierpath