Top "Carthage" questions

Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager for Cocoa projects, able to build dependencies for providing dynamic frameworks.

Change Carthage Swift version

Is it possible to change Carthage Swift version used to build the frameworks? I'm trying to migrate my project to …

ios swift carthage swift3 xcode8
Error when trying to run carthage

I tried to setup my dependencies for a new iOS project. I wanted to use carthage for that. I setup …

ios swift terminal carthage
Carthage: How to get the very latest version of a given repository?

The Cartfile documentation makes the assertion: If no version requirement is given, any version of the dependency is allowed. with …

ios xcode macos swift carthage
Module compiled with Swift 4.1.2 cannot be imported in Swift 4.1.50: Xcode 10 Error

Swift 4.2 came out and I'm receiving this error message in my project when using ObjectMapper and some other pods too: …

ios cocoapods carthage xcode10 swift4.1.5
"no such module" on Xcode 7 beta 2

I saw this question, but I am still unable to import a framework and use it inside Xcode 7 beta 2 (7A121…

ios swift xcode7 carthage xcode7-beta2
Module file was created by an older version of the compiler

Using Carthage to manage my dependencies, everything runs fine in the simulator. However, when building for a device I get …

ios xcode alamofire carthage
what's the purpose of "--no-use-binaries" in carthage

As titled, what's the purpose of "--no-use-binaries" in carthage command line? if missing this, what could happen and what's the …

ios carthage
Carthage update - Task failed with exit code 65

I have 2 versions of Xcode installed, 8.3.2 and 8.2.1. I'm working on a project that was written in Swift 2 and installed few …

ios swift alamofire carthage
Error building iOS Framework: usr/local/bin/carthage: No such file or directory

I have this error when building my project that include several external Frameworks that I have installed using Carthage : /Users/…

swift xcode carthage
Carthage: no shared framework schemes for iOS platform (for my own framework)

I create a framework (called ProjectOne) built and tested it. I want to allow this framework to be used in …

ios xcode carthage