Error building iOS Framework: usr/local/bin/carthage: No such file or directory

user3239711 picture user3239711 · Dec 2, 2016 · Viewed 11.4k times · Source

I have this error when building my project that include several external Frameworks that I have installed using Carthage :

/Users/moneycup/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MoneyCup-fawvvvubqmiqrzajrxdwjxeiaxbw/Build/Intermediates/ line 2: usr/local/bin/carthage: No such file or directory

I have absolutely no clue to what to do now. Thank you in advance for any suggestion.


shallowThought picture shallowThought · Dec 2, 2016

You have a build script in your project:

/usr/local/bin/carthage copy-frameworks

(Find it in Build Phases), but Carthage can not be found.

To fix this:

  • Make sure the script has a leading slash (/usr/... not usr/)

If this is not the issue: