Top "Caroufredsel" questions

A jQuery plugin to create different kinds of carousels.

carouFredSel responsive height

i am having height problems of my responsive carousel using carouFredSel. since the images are responsive and the carousel is …

javascript responsive-design caroufredsel
CarouFredSel Plugin using TouchSwipe with links not working

I'm using the awesome CarouFredSel JQuery carousel plugin which includes features for integrating the JQuery TouchSwipe library for handheld devices …

touch caroufredsel
Responsive full width carousel with carouFredSel.js

I am currently using carouFredSel.js to serve up a full width carousel on my site. I chose this plugin …

responsive-design carousel caroufredsel
carouFredSel slideTo/slideToPage events

I'm having a bit of trouble with using carouFredSel as an infinite circular slider with controls to go to specific …

jquery caroufredsel
carouFredSel: How to make slides fade

I am using this code with CarouFredSel it is working fine, now I want to make it fade instead of …

jquery caroufredsel
Cannot set duration for carouFredSel Slider

I am using carouFredSel to make Slider, but duration cannot be set. It may run default. I set like : $("#foo6").…

jquery caroufredsel
Issue with responsive height on caroufredsel image carousel

I am using the caroufredsel plugin with responsive images, but the slider is getting the full height of the images (…

jquery responsive-design carousel caroufredsel
Responsiveness issue with 'caroufredsel' jquery carousel

I have built a responsive carousel using the excellent caroufredsel, and the items should always scroll one at a time …

jquery responsive-design jcarousel caroufredsel
CarouFredSel Example #61 - Vertical instead of Horizontal

I am attempting to modify the example set here: display the thumbnails vertically, rather …

javascript jquery customization caroufredsel
jQuery CarouFredSel plugin triggering a configuration

i have a little problem, everything i think quite good, example is here: a link at bottom of page "Partneriai". …

javascript jquery duration caroufredsel