carouFredSel slideTo/slideToPage events

solepixel picture solepixel · Mar 14, 2013 · Viewed 11.6k times · Source

I'm having a bit of trouble with using carouFredSel as an infinite circular slider with controls to go to specific slides. Here is my implementation code:

$('.circular-gallery ul').carouFredSel({
    width: '100%',
    items: {
        start: 10,
        visible: 10
    prev: {
        button: $('.circular-gallery .prev')
    next: {
        button: $('.circular-gallery .next')
    scroll: {
        items: 1,
        easing: 'quadratic',
        onBefore: function(data){
            var $current = $(data.items.visible[4]);
            if(!data.scroll.duration){ // this happens on init, so just set active class
            } else {
                var $active = $('.circular-gallery ul');
                $active.find('.physician-name').fadeOut('normal', function(){
                $current.find('.physician-name').css('visibility','visible').hide().fadeIn('normal', function(){
    auto: {
        play: false

var $items = {};
}, function(){ return false; });

function slideToPhysician(rel){
    var $items = $('.circular-gallery ul li').trigger('currentVisible');
    var index = $items.index($('li.'+rel));
    //$('.circular-gallery ul').trigger('slideToPage', index);
    $('.circular-gallery ul').trigger('slideTo', index);

The problem is the index for each element is not constant. It changes each time the slider moves. So I'm having trouble determining which one to slide to. I have classes on each li in my slider and am using the "rel" attribute on my links to pass the corresponding class to the hoverIntent event. During debugging, if I rollover the same name, I might get the index of 6, then it slides to some slide, and if I rollover it again, i get 10. I can't figure out the pattern or if I'm doing something wrong in the first place.

Maybe I have just done something incorrectly, but the goal is to have a slider with the "highlighted" item in the center of the page, then if you hover over a name for a few seconds, the slider moves to that specific photo.

Thanks for taking your time to help!


paul picture paul · Apr 18, 2013

I solved nearly the same problem with passing an array as parameter to slideTo Event. It contains the clicked item and the carouFredSel Item index:

$li.on('click', function() {
  var index = 0;
  $('#fred').trigger('slideTo', [$(this), index]);

Check the examples here