Top "Capitalization" questions

Capitalization means changing each first letter of a string to a capital letter.

How can I capitalize a string showed by Thymeleaf into a page?

I am working on a Spring MVC application that uses Thymeleaf as template engine and I am trying to capitalize …

spring spring-mvc thymeleaf capitalization
JavaScript Code to Capitalize Text Inputs

I'm using the popular Firefox extension Greasemonkey. I'd like to know if there was a way to capitalize all text …

javascript jquery greasemonkey capitalization capitalize
How to capitalize first letter razor

I am new to MVC and have not found a solution for this online. I have the html as : @Html.… razor capitalization
Android: Convert first letter of string to lower case

I'm looking for a way to convert the first letter of a string to a lower case letter. The code …

android string capitalization
Using replace and regex to capitalize first letter of each word of a string in JavaScript

The following,though redundant, works perfectly : 'leap of, faith'.replace(/([^ \t]+)/g,"$1"); and prints "leap of, faith", but in the …

javascript regex capitalization
TWIG: capitalize makes other letters small

I have a variable with this content "i want HTML" When I make capitalize {{ variable|capitalize }} the sentence is: "I …

symfony twig capitalization
Change the Font Style - (Set Lable text in All-Caps format ) in Objective C

I want to set the UILable text font style in Small-Caps format like below image. Please give me the solution …

iphone objective-c uilabel uifont capitalization
How to capitalize the first character of sentence using Swift

I have a String description that holds my sentence and want to capitalize only the first letter. I tried different …

swift capitalization
How do I capitalize the first letter of a word in Vim?

For a long time I've known that I can use ~ in Vim to toggle the case of a character. But …

vim keyboard-shortcuts capitalization
Regex using Notepad++ to add space before a capital letter

I have looked around and found good answers but none work with notepad++, most are for java and php. I …

regex notepad++ capitalization