Top "Calling-convention" questions

A calling convention refers to the way a function transmits parameters to a called function and receives a return value from it.

What is the 'shadow space' in x64 assembly?

I found plenty of topics about this shadow space, but I couldn't find the answer in none of them, so …

windows assembly x86-64 calling-convention abi
Function parameters transferred in registers on 64bit OS?

I am reading one of Agner Fog's manuals and as an advantage for 64 bit Operating Systems (over 32 bit) he says: …

c++ c assembly x86-64 calling-convention
Using process.start in a wpf application to invoke another wpf application

I am trying to invoke one wpf application from another wpf application. The invoking wpf application makes the call ProcessStartInfo …

c# wpf process argument-passing calling-convention
EBP, ESP and stack frame in assembly

I have a few questions about EBP, ESP and stack frame in following code. Why did we subtract 28 from esp? …

assembly x86 nasm calling-convention stack-frame
How to pass a pointer to a member function to a C function?

Possible Duplicate: Using a C++ class member function as a C callback function I'm writing an object-oriented library using a …

c++ c function-pointers winpcap calling-convention
Function pointer and calling convention

float __stdcall (*pFunc)(float a, float b) = (float (__stdcall *)(float,float))0x411280; How to declare a function pointer with calling …

c function function-pointers calling-convention
Could someone explain __declspec(naked) please?

I'm looking into porting a script engine written for Windows to Linux; it's for Winamp's visualization platform AVS. I'm not …

c linux windows assembly calling-convention
How to "goto" into different function in c?

Basically I am trying to simulate assembly code in C. Here is the C code: int main() { test(); main_next: …

c assembly calling-convention
RISC-V assembly - stack layout - function call

currently I am working with a RISC-V processor implementation. I need to run partially hand-crafted assembly code. (Finally there will …

c assembly calling-convention riscv stack-frame
Are call-by-value and pass-by-value synonymous?

I always thought call-by-value and pass-by-value were synonymous. However, I recently heard someone refer to them as if they were …

c# calling-convention evaluation-strategy