Top "Cache-manifest" questions

The cache manifest is a part of the deprecated HTML5 application cache (AppCache) feature, which is intended to provide users with the ability to access a web application even without a network connection.

Removing HTML5 Offline AppCache

I have an HTML document with an associated appcache manifest. But now I want to get rid of offline application …

html offline-caching manifest.cache cache-manifest html5-appcache
No caching in HTML5

In HTML4 we used stuff like <meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache" /> <meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache, must-revalidate" /&…

html caching browser-cache cache-manifest
Application Cache Error event: Manifest fetch failed (4)

I am trying to implement AppCache in my application. I have added the corresponding MIME type in IIS. Please see …

google-chrome html5-appcache cache-manifest application-cache manifest.cache
My HTML5 Application Cache Manifest is caching everything

UPDATE: ** I posted this question when this feature was really new, I realize now that this feature should not be …

manifest cache-manifest html5-appcache manifest.cache
HTML5 Local Storage VS App Cache Offline Website Browsing

After going through multiple articles, I am still not clear on the difference between Local Storage and App Cache Manifest. …

javascript html local-storage html5-appcache cache-manifest
HTML5 Cache Manifest: Fallback section & Network *

from Dive into HTML5: Cache Manifest: Fallback section CACHE MANIFEST FALLBACK: / /offline.html NETWORK: * i dont understand from the URL …

html cache-manifest
Manifest fetch failed (9)

I've been working with Appcache for quite some time, but I recently took a couple of weeks to develop a …

google-chrome html5-appcache cache-manifest application-cache
How to use/create a MANIFEST, handle appCache events/errors and the use of swapCache

How do you use and create a MANIFEST file (structure), handle appCache events and errors, and when is swapCache needed?

javascript events html5-appcache cache-manifest application-cache
Reason for Cache Manifest: Application Cache Error event: Resource fetch failed (2)

My manifest file was working fine until this morning and I now keep getting the following error in chrome Version 36.0.1985.143 …

google-chrome html5-appcache cache-manifest
Disable Application Cache in Chrome and Safari

I’m using the AppCache in order to enable offline access for a web app. The issue is that for …

html google-chrome safari cache-manifest html5-appcache