Top "Application-cache" questions

The Application Cache (or AppCache), part of HTML5, allows a developer to specify which files the web browser should cache and make available to offline users.

Mobile Safari 5mb HTML5 application cache limit?

It's becoming evident in my testing that there's a 5mb size limit on Mobile Safari's implementation of HTML5's application …

html local-storage mobile-safari application-cache
MDN javascript docs for offline use

I am trying to make MDN's Javascript Reference available for offline browsing (personal use). I am not the website's owner …

javascript html mozilla application-cache offline-browsing
Force applicationCache to reload cached files

I'm using the HTML5 applicationCache to store many Javascript, CSS, image, etc. files for a page. If I update one …

html offline offline-mode application-cache
HTML5 - cache manifest working great on Chrome but not on Firefox and Opera

I am developing a web app for offline use, thus I need to use the application cache functionality. Everything works …

html firefox opera offline application-cache
Application Cache Error event: Manifest fetch failed (4)

I am trying to implement AppCache in my application. I have added the corresponding MIME type in IIS. Please see …

google-chrome html5-appcache cache-manifest application-cache manifest.cache
Enable Application cache in WKWebView

I am aware that offline application cache is not supported in iOS WKWebView. This is enabled in Safari, so I …

ios objective-c webkit wkwebview application-cache
Purge and update html5 application cache through javascript

I arrive to this problem quite a lot of times, where some of the users have a corrupt application cache (…

javascript html application-cache
Manifest fetch failed (9)

I've been working with Appcache for quite some time, but I recently took a couple of weeks to develop a …

google-chrome html5-appcache cache-manifest application-cache
How to clear Application cache (HTML5 feature) using JavaScript?

Our Web-Application uses Application cache (cache manifest) to restore HTML page and resources in off-line mode. HTML-pages have sessionIDs as …

firefox html application-cache
How to use/create a MANIFEST, handle appCache events/errors and the use of swapCache

How do you use and create a MANIFEST file (structure), handle appCache events and errors, and when is swapCache needed?

javascript events html5-appcache cache-manifest application-cache