Top "Cache-control" questions

The HTTP `Cache-Control` header specifies directives which override default HTTP caching behaviour.

Private vs Public in Cache-Control

Can you please describe an example indicating difference between Public and Private Cache-Control in applications hosted in IIS. …

http caching iis http-headers cache-control
HTML - Cache control max age

I'ld like to present always the latest website content to the user but also have it fast loaded. By researching …

html cache-control
Force cache refresh after deployment

Is there a way to force a client's cache to reload an HTML file if you can't change the URI …

php .htaccess uri cache-control
Max value for cache control header in HTTP

I'm using Amazon S3 to serve static assets for my website. I want to have browsers cache these assets for …

http caching http-headers cache-control
Is Chrome ignoring Cache-Control: max-age?

Background: IIS 7 AspNet 3.5 web app Chrome dev tools lists 98 requests for the home page of the web app (aspx + js + …

iis google-chrome cache-control content-expiration
Make IE cache the resources but always revalidate

The cache control header "no-cache, must-revalidate, private" allows browsers to cache the resource but forces a revalidate with conditional requests. …

internet-explorer http-headers browser-cache cache-control
Magento static CMS block in XML layout with two or more storeviews

I have two static CMS Blocks called "promo_en" and "promo_de" - translated for the two existing storeviews "en" …

layout magento content-management-system block cache-control
Cache-control: no-store, must-revalidate not sent to client browser in IIS7 + ASP.NET MVC

I am trying to make sure that a certain page is never cached, and never shown when the user clicks …

c# iis-7 http-headers cache-control
How to add Cache-Control header to static resource in Spring Boot?

How can I add Cache-Control HTTP header in Spring Boot for static resources? Tried using a filter-component in the application, …

java spring-boot cache-control
What is the risk of having HTTP header "Cache-Control: public"?

The Cache-Control HTTP/1.1 header can specify max-age as well as whether the cache content can be public or private, indicating …

http-headers cache-control