Top "Cache-control" questions

The HTTP `Cache-Control` header specifies directives which override default HTTP caching behaviour.

No expires header sent, content cached, how long until browser makes conditional GET request?

Assume browser default settings, and content is sent without expires headers. user visits website, browser caches images etc. user does …

caching browser cache-control
Caching effect on CORS: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource

The short version of this issue is we are seeing the typical CORS error (x has been blocked by CORS …

browser amazon-s3 webpack cors cache-control
Force browser to reload all cache after site update

Is there a way to force the clients of a webpage to reload the cache (i.e. images, javascript, etc) …

javascript web-applications deployment glassfish-3 cache-control
Proxy cacheing - What about cookies?

I read It says that proxy servers may cache cookies. I …

http caching proxy header cache-control
ReactJS: IE11 not making new HTTP request, using cached data

I am facing issues in my React application on IE11 where the UI is not hitting backend services for every …

reactjs http internet-explorer internet-explorer-11 cache-control
How to disable the Android browser cache permanently?

I'm developing a web based application that also should run on Android based phones. As I don't have one I'm …

javascript android android-emulator cache-control
Flask static file Cache-Control

I'm trying to set a reasonable cache expiry for my JS files while in development. I have the standard setup, …

python flask cache-control static-files
What does `expires -1` mean in NGINX `location` directive?

Given the sample location example below, what does -1 mean for expires? Does that mean "never expires" or "never caches"? # …

caching nginx cache-control
Google Chrome does not revalidate etag on back/forth

Even though I send "cache-control: must-revalidate" Google Chrome uses a locally cached page when using the back and forth button …

http browser-cache cache-control etag
How to add headers in nginx only sometimes

I have a nginx proxy to a API server. The API sometimes sets the cache control header. If the API …

nginx cache-control