Cout not printing number

Adam Davis picture Adam Davis · Nov 9, 2011 · Viewed 13.2k times · Source


I'm getting no output from a simple cout, whereas a printf will always print the number:

std::cout << variableuint8;  // prints nothing
printf("%u", variableuint8); // prints the number

I've never run into this behavior before, and while I have a work around I would like to understand it.


Yay, pointers. So it may be a little more involved than as stated. Here's the context - I don't think it should matter, by the time cout and printf get the info it's dereferenced to a simple unsigned char. This is probably more information than needed to resolve the issue, but I wanted to be complete on the off chance that it was relevant.

typedef unsigned char   UInt8;
typedef unsigned short  UInt16;

typedef struct{
   UInt8   len;
   // some other definitions. sizeof(DeviceNotification) <= 8

UInt8 somerandomdata[8];
DeviceNotification * notification;

notification = (DeviceNotification *) somerandomdata;

std::cout << "Len: (" << notification->len << ")\n";
printf("Len: (%u)\n", notification->len);

The random data is initialized elsewhere. For this output, the first byte in the array is 0x08:


Len: ()
Len: (8)


  • Development machine:
    • OS X 10.6.8
    • Compiler LLVM 1.7
    • Xcode 3.2.6
  • Test machine:
    • OS X 10.6.8


kennytm picture kennytm · Nov 9, 2011

It's printing the char as a character.

#include <iostream>

int main() {
        unsigned char c = 0x41;
        std::cout << c << std::endl;
        return 0;

This prints 'A' to the stdout.

Although in that case, your code should print Len: (*), and I did have verified it prints Len: (*).

Edit: Since in character encodings like ASCII or UTF-8 your console is likely using, the character corresponding to 8 (Backspace) is not visible, it will look like it's not printed.

(In some cases it may cause the previous character (the () to disappear because it is a backspace character. In DOS it may show ◘)