OpenGL/PBO pixel drawing example needed

Stan picture Stan · Jun 21, 2011 · Viewed 14.6k times · Source

I need to draw pixels very fast on a screen.

I found this interesting page Fast pixel drawing library

author posted: "Using an OpenGL texture along with a PBO seems to be the best choice. Thanks."

I guess OpenGL/PBO is what i need.

I was reading about PBO here and here but i don't get it...

Can someone provide simple example, how to draw pixels on a bitmap on a 2D texture with PBO extension?


Martin Beckett picture Martin Beckett · Jun 21, 2011

This is probably a good place to start OpenGL Pixel Buffer Object (PBO)

If you need to draw an image then the easiest way is textures, basically a 2D block of memory that you write pixel RGB (or whatever) values into an then ask openGL to draw to the screen. VBOs and PBOs just improve on the process of getting the texture to the screen.

To draw individual 3D points then you need to learn more about OpenGL start here