I always think of having to use pointers for polymorphism. Using the canonical example:
DrawEngine::render(Shape *shape)
And passing in pointer to various Shape derived classes. Does it work the same with references?
DrawEngine::render(Shape &shape)
Is it even valid to do:
engine.render(myTriangle); // myTriangle instance of class derived from Shape
If this works, are there any differences between the two cases? I tried to find information in Stroustrup, but I found nothing.
I reopened this because I wanted to explore just a tad more.
So at least one difference is dynamic_cast. For me, polymorphism includes the use of dynamic_cast.
Can I go
Rhomboid & r = dynamic_cast<Rhomboid &>(shape);
What happens if the cast fails? Is this any different?
Rhomboid * r = dynamic_cast<Rhomboid*>(&shape);
With regard to polymorphism, references work just like pointers.